
What are the advantages of using SeraSeal™ for Angiogram, Angioplasty, Stent Procedures?

Seraseal™ is a clear and colorless hemostatic agent with a specific gravity of 1.02, which does not obscure the wound. Since it is effective in all forms of bleeding disorders, the patient does not have to stop his anticoagulant medication prior to surgery. This reduces the risk to patients during surgery. In coronary bypass surgery, Seraseal™ will seal up any bleeding at the site of anastomosis, that is the suturing of a severed vessel. In aneurysm reconstruction, Seraseal™ will seal any bleeding from the suture line. Patients during surgery are typically under hypotension, i.e. lowering of blood pressure. After vessel is repaired by the suturing, Seraseal™ is applied at the site of Anastomosis, the surgeon gradually increases the blood pressure of the patient to ensure that the suture line maintains its integrity and there is no leaking.

SeraSeal™ offers the ability to perform an angiogram, angioplasty, or stent procedure, while the patient is maintained on Heparin. This reduces the risk to the patient while performing the procedure. SeraSeal™ is effective in the presence of Heparin.
At the end of the procedure, compression is applied, and the arterial catheter is removed. Using a short catheter type, Abocath 20G, a puncture is made within 1cm of the arterial catheter site. One millilitre of SeraSeal™ is administered in the subcutaneous zone, and compression is maintained for 3 minutes. When no pooling of blood, a conventional plaster is applied.

heart with hands

Benefits of SeraSeal™ in cardiovascular surgery

  • SeraSeal™ is a clear and colourless haemostatic agent with a specific gravity of 1.02, which does not obscure the wound site.
  • SeraSeal™ is effective in all forms of bleeding disorders. Therefore, the patient does not have to stop his anticoagulant medication prior to surgery. This will reduce the risk to the patient during surgery.
  • In coronary bypass surgery, SeraSeal™ will seal up any bleeding at the site of anastomosis.
  • In aneurysm reconstruction, SeraSeal™ will seal any bleeding from the suture line.
  • If a blood saver is used in surgery, SeraSeal™ can still be used if a separate suction canister is used when irrigating the wound site where SeraSeal™ was applied to arrest the bleed.
  • SeraSeal™ reduces blood loss by as much as 90% in upto 40% surgical procedures

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SeraSeal™, the world’s first and only primary hemostatic agent, has multiple application systems. To learn how, when, and where to use SeraSeal ™ can make the difference between life and death.

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